Tuesday, January 10, 2017

(Another) First Post!

I've got nothing better to call my blog. I've got no fancy first words either.

I'll start by making this a bit about myself. I write to satisfy myself anyway. :)

I'm a TarlaqueƱo. I was born in Tarlac City, and was raised in Santa Ignacia, Tarlac. I speak Tagalog casually, with the occasional Ilocano and English too. Like I say with much humor in some of my Facebook posts, "Iloconyo."

I graduated form Tarlac Montessori School, had my freshman year of college in the University of the Philippines Baguio and finished the rest of my course in the University of the Philippines Diliman.

I freelanced in Makati, Metro Manila for about a year from graduating, doing illustrations and graphics for some ad agencies.  Eventually, I got fed up with the Manila lifestyle and went home. Tarlac, as expected, was a different ballgame altogether.

I worked under the Department of Trade and Industry's Local Designer's Program. Under the said program, I learned about product design, more of entrepreneurship, and was asked by the Provincial Director to study a medium with which I'll specialize. Bamboo was the in thing. I read up a lot of materials, on processing bamboo and similar media.  Besides personal research, we from the Program were given the privilege of undergoing training workshops on business development and design.

I'm currently with the family business.  The scope of my work includes design, costing, pricing and finding the right market for products we manufacture.  With it, I still freelance making packaging labels, corporate identity and branding materials, illustrations. Occasionally, I get invited to speak and share what I know about handicrafts, bamboo, wood, marketing, packaging and labeling and some other stuff.  I also got elected as vice chairman of a cooperative of entrepreneurs based in the province. It all sounds fancy, but really... It's just wanting things and getting things done one way or another.

I'm not a very systematic person. I think. Hahaha. I plan a lot, but in executing these plans I'm quite sloppy. I blame it on my inexperience.  This blog is another one of those spur-of-the-moment good ideas I get, though I'd come rushing unprepared not knowing what to put here, hence this introduction.

In this blog I'll post plenty of items. Maybe some thoughts on everyday normal things like the weather, politics, product features, food, drawings & designs of course. Maybe a bit about my current projects. Whatever feels right.  I've tried blogging before and writer's block is quite strong.  I ended up wanting to write stuff about design and it all just stopped cause I didn't know what to write about. Haha. Oh, and for the sake of saying this is a regular thing, I'll be updating at least once a week.

This isn't my first attempt at blogging so... whatever. lol

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